Game Showcase: Eon Legacy

Eon Legacy – The Flagship for Guided Freeform and Applied Multisystem Games

As it’s described on the website:
Slowly taking shape in the late 90s, Eon Legacy began its formation into an open content RPG with Free Form focus in mind for anyone on the go of any age, level of cognitive thinking, and style of play. Contained in this book are the Basics to Character Creation (Including Original Character Races, A Template for Custom Character Races, Original Classes, and all the standard gear one needs to play the game), Various systems for Combat and Interaction, Basics to designing entire worlds and Non Player Characters, Guides for structure and adventure, and a Slew of samples to use. Limitless action and adventure all at your fingertips!

This game was originally intended to be a “Stand Alone” game and system for role playing but due to popularity online, at conventions, and among the play-testers the writer, R.A.G. Rankin, decided to go all the way with it. Unlike most “Future Fantasy” RPGs where things are bleak or heavy in the “Steampunk/Cyberpunk/Techpunk/Dystopia” Vibe Eon Legacy has a very different take. While it’s set in the future after Earth and Mars took the brunt of an expeditionary invasion force some friendly aliens dropped by after a pretty pivotal battle and said “They’re protected until they can hold their own galactic boarders” and a new era of peace and exploration began. However, the E.T.s that got their hands slapped for invading tried again and this time Earth had the teeth to bite back. After that the story unfolds into breaking the barrier between alternative realities and the rapid expansion across the stars all the meanwhile things back on the Home-world getting all kinds of diverse and somewhat of a galactic melting pot with all sorts of factions and people growing in wealth and glory and you can get the picture from there.

Included in the book are :
Basics to Character Creation (Including Original Character Races, A Template for Custom Character Races, Original Classes, and all the standard gear one needs to play the game)
Various systems for Combat and Interaction including a variety of optional mechanics (not just Freeform)
Basics to Designing entire worlds and Non Player Characters to populate those worlds
Guides for Questing, Mission Structure and Adventure
Tons of NPC and Lore Content for samples and examples

You can get the E-Book here:

Or the Hard Copy Here:
In addition there is a “Expansion” which we will cover in our future article. However, if you’re interested in the game check out the official website:


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